I'm sorry this movie turned out the way it did. I didn't know about Lee Miller before I met him. The second world eyes of a woman photographer, a contemporary of events. What a place for a movie. Alas, the film has a very weak production. Ellen Curas couldn't make a good movie. Her painting is full of empty pretentiousness.
Heroes are presented to us through their “ponts” in dialogue. Why? In Hollywood in recent years stopped writing dialogue, in comics they are not much needed. But that's history and the 1940s. In the dialogue about the past, the heroes deliberately break down. Apparently, that's how intrigue is created. But instead of intrigue comes the kringe. More and more. Motivated trouble. Lee says, "You don't understand." I have to go. In the next scene, I don’t know why I went. We should have stayed.” Does she know or not? That's the whole movie. Miller is shown rushing neurotic. Perhaps that was the task. But was that the war correspondent? Even Miller's work is poorly portrayed. We often see her pointing at a camera and taking a picture. Just what she saw there, we won't know. And what is the connection between what is seen, the picture and her attitude, beyond the attention of the director completely. But they keep telling us, you know, it was hard for her. I get it. But the whole scale of Miller's figure is that she was able to do it in such difficult conditions. But the movie is not about that.
Finally, the disclosure of the problem is unsuccessful. The hero learned about the Holocaust. He cried with shock, "This is my people." Enough, let's move on to another topic. Now the heroine learns that she was not allowed to tell the truth about the war. She's furious. Enough, let's talk about sexual harassment. Enough... A set of interchangeable themes. The very option of their disclosure devalues the seriousness. And it seems that for the image of the main character, the creators saw something from Russian cinema, for which hysteria = drama.
As a result, the production ruined a good biography. Somewhere between 5 and 6.
The choice of the Russian name is certainly unsuccessful.