Vera Polozkova Freedom
We run, we don't know what we're looking for.
You reach for thousands, you grab on the head.
Freedom is to become absolutely poor.
Without a dedicated sharp Finn behind the shin,
Two grams under the bottom,
A trump card up your sleeve.
Everybody's groaning, shark teeth, jackal pupils.
Your parents hinted at who you weren't.
Freedom is to fall out of verticals.
Ponts and regalia, office mirrors,
I want the asphalt to be your pedestal.
We spit lugols, we treat alcohol,
Kolem drugs, fucking life of war.
Freedom is to be completely naked.
Like a golem,
No lenses, no rings, no turtleneck with a throat.
And your skin was like armor. :
Alexander Galich
My heart is stiff,
In the gray dust of whiskey,
But I choose Freedom,
And whistle at all whistles!
And patience bursts,
And three thousand shirts.
They sound like Finns, feathers,
Getting dogs off the chain.
Brest and the Unghenes are locked,
Watches here and there,
And everyone in the West is waiting for me.
But wait for nothing!
I choose Freedom.
Not out of battle, but into battle.
I choose Freedom.
Just being yourself.
And this is my Freedom,
Do you need a clearer word?
And that's my concern.
How can I get along with her?
No sweeter than your stories,
I'm proud of my trouble,
Freedom of public ration,
A sip of water.
I choose Freedom,
I drink with her today on "you."
I choose freedom.
Norilsk and Vorkuta.
Where's the garden rag again?
A whip dances over the sprouts,
Where a bullet or a rag
One day I'll be shut up.
But the road rings nicely,
And every shelter is like a temple.
And the bullet weighs a little.
No more than eight grams.
I choose freedom,
Let it be rough and ripple,
Come on, drop by drop.
Squeeze the slave!
Drop by drop, drop by drop.
Useful and clever,
It's a drop in Capri.
Give us a bucket!
Give us the trough.
And stand up in all its glory!
Not secretly, not shroud-covered,
I want everyone to see it!
I choose Freedom,
And know that I'm not alone!
And freedom tells me:
Well, he says, get dressed.
Come on in, citizen.” :
Vladimir Vysotsky :
Ice from below and ice from above. Between.
Do you break the top or drill the bottom?
Of course, get up and not lose hope,
Let's go, wait for visas.
Ice over me, break and crack!
I'm sweaty like a ploughman from a soha.
I'll come back to you like,
I remember everything, even the old poems.
I'm less than half a century -- forty-plus.
I'm alive, twelve years old, and keep it to God.
I have something to sing in front of God.
I have a lot to justify myself to. :
Freedom is not to do what you want, but to not do what you do not want.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The love of freedom is the love of men; the love of power is selfishness. (Love of freedom is love of others; love of power is love of oneself.)
William Hazlitt
To live in prison knowing that you are innocent and knowing that you can only go out slandering yourself, making your choices every day, remembering your family, is freedom. And I live with my freedom, it's my choice, maybe that's why I'm not as hard as anyone would like.
Maria Vladimirovna Alekhina
The schooling system we have in the Western world is crazy - you're taken away from your parents at your most impressionable age and fed a load of crap and lies manipulated to make you think that the way we live in the West is stable and moral, when really it's neither. You come out of school with a one-track mind based on financial success; you're encouraged to become enslaved to the banking system. In school, I always felt, 'Something's not right here' and I'm starting to find out what it is. Being outside of the norm gives you freedom of thought and that's something being suppressed in school and the media. If you have freedom of thought you get labeled as a crazy person or someone strange.
Matthew Bellamy
Only then can I be free when my will, through a critical and philosophical substantiation, will be able to substantiate new phenomena.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich
I wish each of you to feel the freedom, its unique taste, and the overwhelming power of love ... after all, even in dreams, we are given moments of revelation from which we run in life ... for which we condemn ourselves ... for long gone, lost, or not found ... but we came to this earth to be happy, to love, and no one has the right to condemn us for it!
Philip Anatolyevich Paled
Freedom Clot. Fight. Here's the main thought cell of the movie. Bertolucci – here revealed himself as the great creator of the Idea, completed and processed correctly. :) The film with its epilogue, composition and final point is multilayered. : If you haven't, I recommend it. : There are a lot of thought formulas here: There is a “pier” where the viewer is always wondering, and what will happen next? : Great movie.