Circus lights up This film combines several story lines. First of all, our attention is opened to His Majesty - the circus. White horses, trained bears, acrobats under the circus dome. Well, the second plan we get a simple love story. A young girl is forced to choose between a Soviet star and such an obvious and imposed on her rich Mortimer.
Can I marry someone who doesn’t trust me? Who is hiding their real intentions?
- Tomorrow you and your daughter will be poor!!
As a result, she will have to take into account the fate of colleagues – an angry Mortimer may be offended by her refusal not to pay off artists or even sell the circus. So we get a very linear critique of the capitalist system.
Soviet artists can selflessly give an additional performance, and transfer the money to foreign colleagues. So we are shown from the screen the responsiveness and decency of the Soviet man. But there is too much tension in this approach. Hypertrophied and the conflict with the sponsor, and the relationship of the daughter of the Director of the circus with this rich tyrant. It is obvious that even within the framework of the Western coordinate system, such a conflict could be easily resolved. Another thing that could show really unpleasant for Western countries moments.
As for the circus, it was not really shown. There was no close attention to the life of artists, there was no special aesthetic pleasure in circus numbers. One gets the impression that for the filmmakers, the circus was just an excuse for incriminating notes against the West. In fact, the theme of the Circus was not really disclosed, and the denunciation of Western morals came out very dull. The story of love, and completely flew the third plan.
What were they shooting for? Fortunately in a small role sparkled Lyudmila Gurchenko. I can't find any other advantages in the tape.
3 out of 10