Synopsis, which is a spoiler, completely kills intrigue, because half the time of the film, the authors deliberately keep us in the unknown about the motivational movements of the characters, moving the plot and causing the viewer’s interest in it. Only when the trajectories of the heroes’ lives intersect, their actions become clear, but experienced authors immediately twist a new spring of further action - the conflict between the characters and their goal, the antagonists are ideologically forced to look for common ground to continue the work. Sudden and not necessary in the plot scene with Svetlana Kharitonova animates the suspense humor leading him to the finale, the output of which could be much smoother, forcing the characters based on the prevailing realities, rather than shown ideologically and morally verified. But, probably, having spent a lot of time improvising on the topic of GV, having rested, although not in the “high season” in the Crimea, the authors decided not to “anger the gods”, rounding the plot on a high emotionally positive note, within the framework of the existing ideological doctrine.
A fresh wave in ideologically correct films about the red underground in the years of the Civil War, executed with a dashing disregard for the "standards", but worthy of professionalism for the level of a military-historical militant.
6 out of 10