History continues. This series opens the second cycle in the series “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. After “The Exposure of the Great and the Terrible”, there was nowhere to fall below, so “The Secret of the Witch Gingham” turned out to be quite good. There is no longer any longing, the colors have become more saturated, and for some time the detailed scenery of the first series returns. This is partly because we see Gingham's Cave again and the same curved trees outside. The familiar owl Guamoko returns to the plot, and then inexplicable oddities begin, which do not allow us to consider the Mystery as successful as the first four series.
Judging by the fact that Ellie and Totoshka have not changed by now, it has not been much time, but Gingham’s cave looks so overgrown, as if at least two years have passed. Guamoko has noticeably lost weight and now looks, how to say... more gothic, or what. Third time for the series changed the scenery of the Emerald City, now it is something between the circus from the third and the stadium from the fifth series. The Scarecrow, as you can see, decided to thoroughly strengthen the walls and change the gates, only here ... there are still almost no emeralds in the city! And now, in the sixth episode, a logical question arises, which was just not enough time before: why does the Scarecrow not change its image? While in the land of gums and in the Emerald City, he always wears a red vest, although according to the book he must wear blue and then green clothes. And again, in the Emerald City, security changes. This time we see a guard who looks like an older version of a mustache from the third series, but with a voice bearded from there.
A big disappointment is the main antihero of the series - Urfin Jus. His character and appearance somehow changed, and instead of a young, cold-blooded guy, we see an elderly grumpy man who is angry at everyone for no apparent reason. Eternally frowny and angry, Urfin is far more repulsive than The Wolf of Bastinda Kingdom. By the way, something is wrong with the Violet country here, because there came from somewhere a road that can not be. With the ways of communication since this series is generally a mess: in the book Volkov mentioned all the difficulties faced by Urfin on the road of yellow brick, and the series about it is not told!
Some things in "Mystery" really got better. Oddly enough, this is frame-by-frame animation. Character movements are now smoother, and there are even frames in which many objects are moving simultaneously. Each turn was animated manually, and it’s hard to imagine how long it took to create such episodes. The music and songs in the sixth series are also good, although they can’t jump to Bastinda’s song. In general, the series brings fresh breath to the series, and this is the main thing that can be appreciated in it.
7 out of 10