Outstanding title, outstanding company... not too outstanding plot and production + Gorbachev speaks on Nokia Immediately I want to say that you can shoot a series Made in the USSR. Made in Russia about some large mastodon production, especially those that have sunk into oblivion. As they say, the film... The USSR is Nokia’s biggest customer... if we were to say it conditionally, I think that without the USSR (and modern Russia) there would have been no more. Well, the main enemies of Nokia in the film are Americans ... it is interesting that greedy Americans in this film have only drunks in the bar on their minds and the desire to glue the Finn (I am not inventing, purely from the film), and also squeeze Nokia’s polar.
It seems that the film, divided into series, is typical in the Finnish spirit, slowly and methodically trying to convey to the audience. . .
I remembered that smartphones, that is, at that time, cell phones began to use late (and this is actually good... I wish they were banned until adulthood, as well as the Internet... how many teenage problems could be avoided today, both morally and physiologically). And one of them was Nokia. Nice in the hand, simple, but reliable. Although the models that could be cracked nuts, did not use. Needless to say, there was a time when phones were used for their intended purpose - today the smartphone is actually a computer in miniature and a pocket game console, causing a great addiction for some (like me).
I don't know what. In reality, if it had not been written, I thought that the series was shot somewhere in the post-Soviet space for local TV. It’s as boring as it gets... soap opera. Perhaps it will be much more interesting and quicker just to read about the history of the company, but we are lazy: we love movies where we are shown and told, and even with some tension of the plot, plus fiction ... fictional additional story branches and heroes, paraphrased, modified. Maybe the Hollywood remake will fix something, if it does.
The technical part of insanely small parts in an insanely small space.
The most interesting moments of the series are where some technical components of Nokia, its development paths, etc. are shown. Something really entertaining appears no more than once every 20-25 minutes, that is, a couple of times per series. This is not enough, but dilutes the plot, collects it a little, he has a goal - to show these moments.
Purely visually and in spirit, one does not feel that we are facing, for example, the end of the 80s (although who among us knows how it was there at the end of the USSR, except for those few who went there on working trips and ' procurement' of various kinds). The same series Germany 83... 86... 89 hits the nose and eye with plot, time and more. We don't have one. Even the entourage often fails: you can notice too modern buildings and too modern repairs (although who knows what it was like in Finland once there... even Google does not really know).
The plus of the technological drama can be called the presence of social aspects, some research of individuals, their internal struggle and struggle for the prosperity of the company and technical innovation.
Plus, there is an element of Finnish stubbornness. In a good way, all Christians are stubborn in their own way. It was Christian stubbornness that created the United States, Europe, and Russia. In a way, it is what divides us. Here is a line about stubbornness from Vicki hooked: 'In moderate form, it turns into a virtue of firmness and perseverance in achieving goals. '