Idea and style The short film captivates with a spectacular style that echoes the creative handwriting of such artists as Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Edward Munch. And also an attractive idea, which was based on the story of the same name by the writer Georgy Hermanov.
Every scene is very dynamic. Interior objects and natural landscapes in constant motion. One image abruptly replaces the other, creating interference around. Clouds twist in bizarre spirals. Strikes specifies space, carried vortex patterns. Clumsy figures of people with large cartoon faces. She's among them. One whose eyes are clouded by visions of the past and the future. Is this a curse or an extraordinary gift? How do you live with that?
Although the idea of the short film has interesting solutions, Vaisha’s visions were presented rather unpretentiously: day and night, youth and old age, the birth of the Earth and the apocalypse. It’s not entirely clear why when young people came to the girl to get married, all the guys were in the past and future of the same age and looked almost the same. And all people in the past and future were in the same place in the present. How did the girl hear? Is the left ear the past, the right ear the future? Or did both of them only hear sounds from the present?
After watching, it seems that a lot has been missed by the creators. If we talk about the overall impression of the picture, then here is a comparison with the artist, who was given the best paints, brushes and paper. He hastily applied one layer of paint after another, diluting with water, and eventually wiped the paper. And, despite the loud phrase at the end, the plot component of the picture leaves much to be desired.
6 out of 10