“Cavalcade of animated comedies” is the project of Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the cult show “Griffins” and the comedy “The Third Extra.” In fact, this is a hodgepodge of several dozen small two-minute animated sketches (something like those inserts in “Griffins”), shot entirely in the style that is inherent in all of Seth’s creations. That is, yes - snobs, aesthetes, nervous, pregnant, as well as those who do not tolerate vulgarity, mate, banter on a religious topic and sexual perversions - not close. I'm serious. Nothing but anger will be experienced by such people. I myself found some sketches too provocative and stupidly unfunny. But the Irishman, who can not watch TV without screaming (" You do not move your brain!), the horse in the beer hall, the harmful beaver in the woods and, especially, the process of shaving an alternatively arranged sheep, I laughed just to tears.
So whether or not to watch Seth MacFarlane’s Cavalcade of Animated Comedies is up to you. If you like Griffins and you calmly digest all sorts of vulgarities and abominations, I think it makes sense to spend time.
7 out of 10