Dissociative identity disorder The film is a French horror film in the genre of slasher already famous director Azh. Although this film is clearly not his best. Here we are told the story of a maniac who, it is unclear where he came from and began to hack everyone right and left, and the reasons why he does this, we also do not know. What do you say? Maniac. But to give credit to the French, the murder scenes were created with a special twisted cynicism and bloodshed was a lot.
As for the main character, her behavior does not defy any explanation and looks rather stupid, especially as she ran around the house and could not warn anyone, although in the end it is all explained by a dashing plot twist in the spirit of early Shyamalan, I will not say what exactly, but many of it, I think, will surprise.
The only thing that at least somehow pleased was the soundtrack, and specifically, the song of the band Muse. The film looks boring, and if you know the plot, then reviewing it a second time does not make sense.
3 out of 10