There must be a certain number of 3D-mults, after viewing which all new ones appear to you simply as recombinations of those already seen. In this case, I see mixed pieces from:
"Big Journey" - the search for a character, the same beasts in the sewers
"Hunting Season 2" - the plot is tied to the search for a dog, the villain is a harmless fluffy.
Flee away is an adventure in the sewers, the two characters hate each other, but gradually reconcile.
The Volt is a dog looking for a way home.
- "Forest Bratva", "Madagascar", "Real Squirrel" - a bunch of animal characters participate in... I don’t know what, in urban areas.
It may also be that this critical number is not a number at all, but is simply called “age.” You have to be a child to enjoy these cartoons, laugh at how someone runs somewhere, gets a brick on the sides, throws boxes at each other.
In fact, the whole topic of the title was revealed in the first 10 minutes of the cartoon, after which the usual catch-up with a bunch of awesome jokes about: disabled people, the smell of sledding in the sewers, cutting off bells, shitty rabbit ... I looked with a stone face. The gang had no reason to take random counters, they already have a large number, then they had no motive to pursue them so fervently - killed an old snake, a typical loss in the showdown, and finally there was no reason to reconcile. The dog on wheels walked to the bandits confidently, like a plow, and then suddenly it turns out that he is no one there, an ordinary game for persecution. What was going then? On the stage with the operetta at the sausage factory, the cartoon died for me, and I examined it only on principle. And the further you go, the worse. The rabbit wanted to kill the heroes, but he saved them. Dived in the afternoon, surfaced at night... The ending shows how well it all ended, even for characters who didn’t participate at all.