Jean Rollin
Life Time
3 November 1938 - 15 December 2010
Horromaker and pornographer, Rollen is the brightest representative
European genre thrash cinema, almost the only French
A director who regularly turns to a horror film. His early work
This is the search for an individual style, the desire for an original "picture"
Ignoring a coherent and coherent story. A later approach
He became the defining factor in his creation. Creating a Gothic atmosphere,
For Rollen, feelings of romantic mysticism are more important than such “little things.”
As an
Horromaker and pornographer, Rollen is the brightest representative
European genre thrash cinema, almost the only French
A director who regularly turns to a horror film. His early work
This is the search for an individual style, the desire for an original "picture"
Ignoring a coherent and coherent story. A later approach
He became the defining factor in his creation. Creating a Gothic atmosphere,
For Rollen, feelings of romantic mysticism are more important than such “little things.”
As an actor or an intriguing story. The ability to frame,
to create a mood with it, can be attributed to one of the main
The virtues of Rollen's films. This is especially evident in "Charm"
Fascination (1979) and Nuit des traquees (1980).
Showed not only bedding talents European sex star Bridget
Laye, who starred a lot at Rollen's. Sex and violence are the most important
The parts of his cinema. But Rollen's interpretation is quite
explicit erotic scenes can look touching and innocent.
Sophisticated violence is equated with some sacred ritual.