Eduard Verhoturov
Эдуард Верхотуров
Birth at
8 December 1968
Born on December 8, 1968 in the city of Karymskoe.
He created “Chiz” on the TV channel “Tonys” in 1991. November 7 of the same year "Chiz" for the first time saw television viewers.
He worked as an actor, director, editor, screenwriter, producer, artist-decorator, costumer, administrator, creating masterpieces of the television industry “Bomge-show”, “Playboys”, “In short”, “Compot”, “Photosalon CHIZ”, “No time”.
Is the "godfather" of the screen appearance of Verka Serdyuchka,
magazine of video comics "Calambur", numerous commercials (rated by critics and the public).