Transformers: First Generation The first animated series Transformers, stretching as much as four seasons, and gave birth to the most global and long mecha anime in history, continuing to this day is produced both in the form of an animated series and in the form of full-length magnificent films by Michael Bay.
The first generation is notable for its idea and concept. Unlike the equally popular “Grandizer”, here the battle takes place between two factions, and the scale of what is happening only on Earth is not limited at all. Epic battles, filled with a variety of meaning in each series, immerse in an exciting journey through the Transformers universe.
The main characters here appear directly robots, on whose relationship and built the story. With the elementary idea: “Those who turn into weapons are evil Deceptecons, and those who control weapons are good Autobots” and dividing the entire universe into two camps, all 4 seasons turn out to be very interesting and exciting. And the series itself, as they say, stands the test of time and in itself looks much better than the thin-comedy “Transformers: Animation”, incomprehensible “Beast Robots” and American offshoots of the general plot.
There is a wide variety of characters and their characters. The problem of friendship, courage, revenge and betrayal, self-sacrifice and much more is raised. Thus, the viewer of any age perfectly understands the meaning of the series and each episode in particular. With not very spectacular drawing of military operations, the visual component is still very beautiful and eventful. And elements such as transformation into good old audio cassettes and does cause pleasant nostalgia among adult fans of the Transformers universe.
From season to season, there is more warfare, more conflict, and even more revealing all the characters in this epic battle. With all the variety of transformers, it is absolutely impossible to get confused if you watch the series in the right order and from the very beginning. Gradually, we are introduced to new participants in the events, and each is unique in its own way, each hero with its own characteristics, and each viewer will find the most attractive characters. Whether it's the immense Devastator, the wise Optimus Prime, the cheerful little Bumblebee, the merciless Megatron, or the cunning and power-hungry Starscream. Or maybe who else, because the characters for four seasons there is a huge variety: Ironheid, Arcy, Jazz, SkyFire (aka Jetfire), Franzie, The Devastator, Soundwave and many, many others.
A large-scale colorful battle of big robots in all its glory unfolded in the vast universe of the animated series will not leave indifferent a lover of mecha anime, robots and just fans of the idea of Transformers. The script was absolutely flawless in every way. The series look one after another in one breath, not giving time to break away when watching from the screen or monitor, perfectly spelled characters immediately cause various emotions from sympathy for one to hatred for others. The animated series does not leave indifferent, leaves a long memory and a very positive attitude to this universe. “Transformers: First Generation” is an animated series for all ages and for all time, a true legend that has passed through time.
10 out of 10