In the first series, it seemed to me that this is another "production drama" from the life of television producers - undercover intrigue, hypocrisy, head-walking ... The “complex relationship” of two strong women was added to this list. It turned out that this is a struggle of women with women, with men, with harassment, with the cynicism and hypocrisy of those in power - in general, with everyone. Periodically, someone unites against someone else, then quarrels and open a new front. There's no end.
The subject is complicated and slippery, actually. It's too complicated. Hence the annoying pattern of dialogues and the illogicality of some storylines.
However, despite the cardboard performance of Reese Witherspoon and some other good actors, the series rather succeeded. There is a feeling that they were not well explained the plan of the series. Well, the creators themselves saw it easier than I would like. .