Howard Vernon
Life Time
15 July 1908 - 25 July 1996
Howard Vernon, real name Mario Lippert, was born on July 15, 1914 in Baden, Switzerland. His father was Swiss and his mother was American, so it is not surprising that Vernon was fluent in German, French and English. He began his career as a radio actor. After 1945, he began acting in France, in secondary roles, mainly fascist officers. His small Swiss accent for many years predetermined his role as a bandit and a villain. In the sixties, Howard Vernon began acting with Jess Franco, a Spanish director
Howard Vernon, real name Mario Lippert, was born on July 15, 1914 in Baden, Switzerland. His father was Swiss and his mother was American, so it is not surprising that Vernon was fluent in German, French and English. He began his career as a radio actor. After 1945, he began acting in France, in secondary roles, mainly fascist officers. His small Swiss accent for many years predetermined his role as a bandit and a villain.
In the sixties, Howard Vernon began acting with Jess Franco, a Spanish director of horror films. He has appeared in many low-budget films. Over time, the actor plays smaller roles in high-profile films.
Howard Vernon performed nearly two hundred roles and worked in films until his death, which caught him in Paris, France, on July 25, 1996.