"Firefly and Dewdrop" - very popular movie, filmed in 1978
by Uriy Butyrin
in genre
, Short.
This list contains
67 films,
similar to "Firefly and Dewdrop" not so much in plot but in spirit.
And if you liked "Firefly and Dewdrop", then most likely you will like these films.
Once in the editorial office of the magazine "Funny Pictures" there was a phone call. Pioneer leaders of the local camp asked members of the "Club of more
Once in the editorial office of the magazine "Funny Pictures" there was a phone call. Pioneer leaders of the local camp asked members of the "Club of Jolly Men" to give a concert on the occasion of the opening. Participants of the club happily agree and immediately hit the road. However, on the way to the camp, their truck broke down and they have to fix it immediately or find another way to get to the camp before the concert begins. And the beginning is exactly at 3:15. close
In 1808, the famous Russian publicist and fabulous writer Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote the work “Dragonfly and the Ant”. This is one of the most famous more
In 1808, the famous Russian publicist and fabulous writer Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote the work “Dragonfly and the Ant”. This is one of the most famous fables of Krylov, but not everyone knows that the fable with a similar name and absolutely the same plot was written many centuries ago by the famous Aesop. It's called "Ant and Cicada." To the working ant comes the cicada, who sang and cheered all summer, asks him to shelter the purse, but the ant, hearing her story, with a loud laugh declares: "Well, then dance in winter." As you can see, this story became a classic, it was used not only by Krylov, but also by Jacques de La Fontaine and other fabulous artists.
An old story in a new key
The film adaptation of Dragonflies and Ant was published in 1963, the animated film was directed by Nikolai Fedorov. At the very beginning of the cartoon, the dragonfly sleeps quietly in the crib, hiding with a leaf. Her sleep is disturbed by an ant that is very close to her stuck on a truck loaded with bamboo stems (probably to strengthen an anthill), entangled in a web. He does not manage to unravel the web in order to drive further, and he asks for help from the dragonfly, to which she gestures that she will not help him, and then goes to bed again. Fortunately for the ant, its relatives drive up, and together they free the car from the web.
Life is boiling in the anthill: adult ants get a job, children go to school, several workers nail a banner with the words “Time is fun!” Anthill construction is underway. What about the dragonfly? When she wakes up, she picks a berry hanging over her head to feed herself, washes it down with a drop of dew, pretzels and goes to dances. And there's already fun going on. Dancing couples gallop on flowers and leaves, gallop everywhere. They even fly past the anthill, disrupting the ants' work, classes at school, disfigure. Even the sun isn't thrilled with carefree dancing dragonflies and beetles who don't think about the coming winter at all.
And then the autumn came, and then it snowed – winter came. The dragonfly went to the ant to ask for accommodation for the night to shelter and warm it. And he, having listened to her story, having learned that she did not work in spring, summer, or autumn, did nothing useful, he answered her: “Did you sing everything?” This case. So go, dance!, and then handed a shovel. It was an unambiguous hint that you should not only have fun, but also work.
Action and sounds
Most of the film is accompanied only by music, and the text of the fable Krylov sounds at the end, when winter comes and the frozen dragonfly, wrapped in a dried leaf, goes to the ant. close
Soviet animated film "Tails", where the roles were voiced Anatoly Papanov Olga Aroseva tells the instructive story of how forest animals decided to change more
Soviet animated film "Tails", where the roles were voiced Anatoly Papanov Olga Aroseva tells the instructive story of how forest animals decided to change tails. When running away from dogs, the fox loses its tail. The forty advises the hare to take its tail so that now everyone is afraid of it. After listening, he leaves his tail on the stump, and the fox soon finds him.
The evil magpie convinces the fox that an elegant haretail would very well suit her. Meet the wolf, the fox tricks him into switching tails with her. However, after a while, the animals realize that other people's tails bring them only trouble. close
"Queen - toothbrush" - a famous Soviet cartoon based on a fairy tale Sofia Mogilevskaya . The story of a little slob who got into an amazing country of more
"Queen - toothbrush" - a famous Soviet cartoon based on a fairy tale Nikolai Fedorov . close
"Whose cones in the forest" is a children's cartoon, which is not only interesting to the viewer with its plot, but also carries a useful meaning for more
"Whose cones in the forest" is a children's cartoon, which is not only interesting to the viewer with its plot, but also carries a useful meaning for the audience. The main character of the film, a wolf, was so greedy that he decided that in the forest all the cones belong only to him. All the animals had to explain the opposite to the wolf.
This cartoon was shot by directors Nathan Bitmanov, Mikhailov Kamenetsky and Ivan Ufimtsev together with screenwriter A. Kumma. close
The peas that the gopher prepared for himself for the winter, pecked at the bully-sparrow. The gopher is upset to the extreme, but his hamster interlocutor more
The peas that the gopher prepared for himself for the winter, pecked at the bully-sparrow. The gopher is upset to the extreme, but his hamster interlocutor leads a friend to the barn, where peas are apparently invisible.
Trying to replenish their reserves, two animals penetrate into the barn and at first just enjoy the abundance of delicious peas, and then begin to share the good and quarrel. The conflict leads to a fight, and the gopher with the ferret falls into the barn window, left with nothing.
After this incident, a sad and hungry gopher finds a single pea in his mink. At first he wants to eat it, but then he remembers a friend and runs to him to share the treasure. The ferret, with his pea, rushes to meet him.
The cartoon “One – peas – two – peas” teaches children that there is nothing more precious than friendship. close
In Y. Prytkov’s cartoon “The True Remedy”, forest animals play musical instruments in the open air. A bean with a cello comes up to them and apologizes more
In Y. Prytkov’s cartoon “The True Remedy”, forest animals play musical instruments in the open air. A bean with a cello comes up to them and apologizes for being late. The Beast Quartet starts playing the melody first.
And at this time, a bear in gloves and a hat comes out of his house. He likes snow and winter, but still worries that he can not even doze off – constantly distracted by something. So now he decided to take a little walk, and then maybe he could fall asleep.
During the walk, the teddy bear steps on his aunt. A bird flies up a tree and asks why he doesn’t sleep because all the bears are asleep. But this baby is an unusual bear, he does not manage to hibernate. The little badger shows you how to sleep. He says the bear is just trying hard. The partridge recommends that the baby count to a hundred, and then he can fall asleep. If he does not sleep, the bird will not grow.
On the way home, the bear can not count to a hundred, constantly distracted. Only at home can he do that. But this bear does not help, he has already counted five times to a hundred, but he could not close his eyes. And here on a crying animal comes across a hare, to which the bear tells its story. He is very worried that he will never grow up because of this. The hare says he will help the bear because there is a “right remedy” and told him to wait in his den.
Hare and squirrel call the other musicians, mouse and beard, and at night go to the bear. Mischutka doubts whether this remedy will help him, because he is still small. But the squirrel convinces him that it will help, and the quartet sings a lullaby. This is what all kids need to get a real sweet dream. Music is the surest means...
Interesting facts
• In the cartoon sound works of Mozart and Boccherini. Special compositions for m/f “The True Remedy” were written by Evgeny Ptichkin.
The lullaby “Sleep, my joy” is performed by K. Rumyanov. Her voice is spoken by a bear and a mouse, M. Vinogradova voiced a rabbit, T. Dmitriev – a squirrel and a badger, and Z. Naryshkina – a beaver and partridge. close
A soldier served a long time service. He took as a reward an old drum and went where his eyes were looking. He walked for a long time, and went to the more
A soldier served a long time service. He took as a reward an old drum and went where his eyes were looking. He walked for a long time, and went to the hut, and in it the small girl was crying, because the fierce witch has destroyed her parents. close
"Terem-Teremok" - cartoon on the script Vladimir Suteev . First, this wonderful house noticed flying past the Pig Fly. Less than an hour later, Normal more
"Terem-Teremok" - cartoon on the script Vladimir Suteev . First, this wonderful house noticed flying past the Pig Fly. Less than an hour later, Normal Mouse knocked on her. Then came the Frog, the Frog, the Rabbit, and the Golden Scallop.
And their work was disputed, and a happy life flowed. Each was engaged in his own business - the Fly and the Mouse cooked food, the Frog in the bar brought order, the Bunny cut wood, and the Rooster guarded the house. But the bear appeared inadvertently clubfooted and began to ask for a post. Only a small number for him turned out to be, even the muzzle did not climb, the teremok fell apart. But what trouble is it when friends love to work and are not offended by such nonsense as a broken home! close
Night is coming. In the cartoon "How Masha quarreled with a pillow" affectionate mother put her daughter in bed. But little restless Masha can not sleep more
Night is coming. In the cartoon "How Masha quarreled with a pillow" affectionate mother put her daughter in bed. But little restless Masha can not sleep for a long time. Whatever the poor thing did, insomnia overwhelms her. Having quarreled with her pillow and being offended by the crib, she decides to go on a small trip to find out how different animals sleep. Will this night walk through the cramped minks and other animal dwellings help tiny Masha sleep?
Directed by Lev Milchin. close
“It Happened in Winter” is a short animated film by Soviet directors Vladimir Popov, Fyodor Ivanov, and Vladimir Baker Based on the famous work of Nikolai more
“It Happened in Winter” is a short animated film by Soviet directors Vladimir Popov, Fyodor Ivanov, and Vladimir Baker Based on the famous work of Nikolai Nosov.
The hunters gathered in the winter evening to share with each other the events that were with them on the hunt. One at one time ran away from wolves to hide from their sharp teeth, and climbed a tree from which, frozen, fell into a bear den. The awakened bear-shatun chased the wolves, but began to chase the poor thing. The hunter would not have been well if he had not come home. But here... close
Dragonfly is invited to the Grasshoppers on the occasion of the birth of her son. Not even a day has passed since he began to learn to play the violin. more
Dragonfly is invited to the Grasshoppers on the occasion of the birth of her son. Not even a day has passed since he began to learn to play the violin. But the prankster did not want to work and learn notes, he preferred to brag and say that he can do everything. He had to endure a lot of disappointments and ridicule before he realized that it was better to learn what he had inclinations and became the "first violin" in the orchestra of his brothers. One of the best animated films of the director was awarded the IFF prize in Venice in 1959. Also the VKF prize. Poems by Michael Volpin. Recorded second on the cassette "Favorite cartoons 3". close
According to the plot of the cartoon “The Cockerel is a golden scallop” three loving comrades lived happily without sorrow and sorrow: the Rooster, the more
According to the plot of the cartoon “The Cockerel is a golden scallop” three loving comrades lived happily without sorrow and sorrow: the Rooster, the prudent Cat and the fast Thrush. Friends were engaged in housekeeping, cultivated fields with wheat and peas. Work went well, the days were fun, with fun songs.
The quiet life ended when the cunning Fox appeared, who wanted to hunt the Cockerel. The robber decided to catch him and take him to his hut, standing in the thick of the forest. The fox was just waiting for the right opportunity to eat the bird.
It so happened that the Cat and Drozd went to the forest thicket to harvest firewood for the winter, and the Cockerel remained on the farm. The comrades forbade the Golden Scallop to look out the windows and go out into the yard. But the crook deceived the naive Rooster with his sweet speeches, and he looked out. At that moment, the red predator grabbed him.
Three attempted captivity
Fleeing from the pursuit, Lisa had already imagined eating a brewy broth, but this was not the case. Loyal friends who were near the house rushed to the rescue. They heard cries for help and freed a naughty friend from the clutches of a cunning villain.
History soon repeated itself. Only the third time the Cockerel could not help, because the comrades were far from the hut and did not hear his lamentations.
When the friends returned home, they saw that the friend was gone, and went looking for him. In their company they took a hare, collecting mushrooms nearby. Approaching the cabin of the Fox, Kosoi began to sing songs in which he spoke badly about the crook. The crook got angry, decided to eat the Bunny, and jumped out of the house. That's when Lisa was caught by friends.
Having driven the predator out of the forest, friendly comrades returned to their home, and the Cockerel promised never to let strangers into the house.
Get out
• For the first time young viewers saw this cartoon in 1955. The film is based on the narrative of Alexei Tolstoy, who, in turn, processed folk tales.
The picture was created thanks to the cooperation of Dmitry Anpilov and Peter Nosov.
• The music for the film was written by the great composer Rodion Shchedrin – People’s Artist of the Soviet Union.
• The animated fairy tale “The Cockerel is a Golden Scallop” was repeatedly reprinted in a collection with other films for children on DVD. close
A fairy tale about animals, which tells how the desire to be useful to others helps to cope with vanity and anger. Four friends - Fly, Frog, Hedgehog more
A fairy tale about animals, which tells how the desire to be useful to others helps to cope with vanity and anger. Four friends - Fly, Frog, Hedgehog and Cockerel found an old cart. The cart is ordinary, but the wheels are different. Sitting on the tree Magpie told the friends that the cart was made by the Bear, who did not finish and threw it, that's the cart and lying around. The friends were interested in the wheels, and they decided to take them home. close
It is good to live in a country that you have invented: no one will offend, everyone is friendly and kind, all days are full of wonders and sunshine. more
It is good to live in a country that you have invented: no one will offend, everyone is friendly and kind, all days are full of wonders and sunshine. In the cartoon "Three - Hello", such a country was invented by Bear and shared his discovery with a friend Hedgehog. It turns out that the inhabitants of this fictional country instead of “hello” say “three” – they have their own, special language.
The Hedgehog’s conversation with the Bear takes place on the birthday of their third friend, the Hare, and when, like on their birthday, various miracles happen? So it turned out that chamomile turned into a parachute, dandelions into balloons, and clouds into white-maned horses, on which our friends race across the sky with a song. close
The filming of the like-named tale of K. Chukovsky about the Boldly Buzzing Fly who buys a samovar and celebrates her name day. A spider kidnaps the fly. more
The filming of the like-named tale of K. Chukovsky about the Boldly Buzzing Fly who buys a samovar and celebrates her name day. A spider kidnaps the fly. A mosquito defeats the spider, saves the fly and marries her. close
The guys, coming to visit the artist, Peter Ivanovich, accidentally spoiled the album with his drawings for fairy tales: the girl inadvertently “planted” more
The guys, coming to visit the artist, Peter Ivanovich, accidentally spoiled the album with his drawings for fairy tales: the girl inadvertently “planted” a blot on a leaf. The little girl even cried from grief, but the artist tried to calm her down: he knew a way to get rid of this ink stain. But while Pyotr Ivanovich was going to another room for a spotter, the blot came to life, rushed inside the album and disappeared.
This is how the script begins. Vladimir Suteev "We're looking for a blot." So that the cunning and evil “guest” does not ruin the best drawings, the artist sends brave guys to her search. They are ready to help him and bravely become the same drawn characters of the album of fairy tales, like the rest of us. close
Fabulous animals bathed, rested and had fun on the summer beach of the southern town. Suddenly, the rest was interrupted by an urgent message on a hanging more
Fabulous animals bathed, rested and had fun on the summer beach of the southern town. Suddenly, the rest was interrupted by an urgent message on a hanging poster: "Everyone needs to vaccinate vaccinations from elephant to fly!". However, all the animals, having read the message, as if nothing had happened, began to rest, dance and sunbathe again. And only Behemoth, worried, began to ask everyone how scary and painful it was to vaccinate. close
The plot of the cartoon was based on a fairy tale "Little Mook." An unfortunate good boy named Mook found himself on the street after the death of his more
The plot of the cartoon was based on a fairy tale Rolan Bykov Mikhail Kozakov, close
Who does not know from childhood this beautiful fairy tale about Neznaika N. Nosov and his cheerful comrades from the fairy-tale country of short people? more
Who does not know from childhood this beautiful fairy tale about Neznaika N. Nosov and his cheerful comrades from the fairy-tale country of short people? In the cartoon. close
Murzilka sets forth for the known picture of Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov "Again two". A boy considers that two on geography was put him unfairly. Murzilka more
Murzilka sets forth for the known picture of Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov "Again two". A boy considers that two on geography was put him unfairly. Murzilka examines him. Outliving the row of adventures, a student gives one's word to reform. close
Very good Soviet cartoon director-animator Vladimir Polkovnikov scripted Vladimir Suteev . It rains like a bucket in the woods. The forest animals got more
Very good Soviet cartoon director-animator Vladimir Polkovnikov scripted Vladimir Suteev .
It rains like a bucket in the woods. The forest animals got wet to the brim. The only place where the ant managed to hide is under the fungus. Then a butterfly asked for him, then a mouse ran, and then a sparrow flew in. The ant takes everyone to himself and does not understand how a small fungus, under which he himself barely fit, could shelter everyone from the rain? And the mushroom just grew! close
Drawn Soviet film “Boy with a finger” is based on a folk tale. There was an old man with an old woman who never had children. They dream of a son, although more
Drawn Soviet film “Boy with a finger” is based on a folk tale.
There was an old man with an old woman who never had children. They dream of a son, although they realize that there is almost no chance of his appearance. They lead a leisurely life and economy, but the forces are no longer the same. Grandfather is increasingly difficult to chop wood and plow, and the old woman’s vision no longer allows her to insert a thread into the eye of a needle.
One day, during a scanty meal, a little boy with a finger size appears on their table and says he is their son. He appeared from a cabbage cap, which the old woman left outside. Old people can not rejoice in the son and give him their food, because he has to grow. The boy with a finger helps the old father to cut wood and plow the ground, and the grandmother to collect apples and thread into the needle. Despite his small stature, he manages to save the old goat from the wolf.
The child controls the horse, sitting on its head, so that from afar it seems that the horse ploughs itself. This is very surprising to a passing gentleman who stops next to the old man and declares that the horse is now his, because it is impossible to “hide such an incredible thing” from the owner. But a boy with a finger, remaining invisible on the horse's head, answers that there is nothing to solve by force, you need to ask the horse for consent.
He immediately changes his tone and begins a delicate conversation with the “talking horse”. He says he doesn't know what to do with a man and suggests he go to him. The horse does not mind, but it feels sorry for the old man who is poor and without a mare will disappear. Barin willingly solves this problem, giving the old man 100 rubles. But the horse thinks that this is not enough, and the master must also give the horse to the man. You can see that the master is greedy, but still want to get a talking horse. Grandpa also gets a horse.
Greedy and cheating is not a sin
Predicting what will happen next, the “horse” warns that she does not work for the master and that she can remain silent for several years until she becomes young and beautiful again, because her grandfather has pretty lost her strength. And if the new owner ever hits her or scolds her, then she may not talk at all, Barina has nowhere to go, he agrees and, harnessing himself to his own cart, takes her home himself - the purchased horse will not work.
A boy with a finger, meanwhile, and the trail was frozen. Sad parents, not finding him, divide pancakes in the evening, as before, into two. And then you hear a familiar voice. close
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